Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Windy, hot, and wet and cold in the Valley

 51º and heavy overcast here in Kenwood RV Park at 1:50 pm Tuesday.  Rained last couple days, but didn't amount to much, just wet, and cool.

Crew behind us poured concrete in the rain yesterday morning.  Some six or more truckloads.  This truck got stuck in the mud and had quite a time getting out.

Light rain all the while they were pouring,
smoothing, and all day long.

I was out some on the recumbent trike -- picking up pop cans, the mail and putting a few miles for exercise on the trike.  Was cold with the dampness, winds and temperatures in the 50's.


Sunday evening "Kai", a Hawaiian who now lives in San Antonio, gave quite a program.  Music and lot of tales about Hawaii history and the way he lived in Hawaii.  Very energetic--always moving--and fun to listen to.

CLICK HERE for much of the program that I videoed.    Or CLICK HERE for just a part of the show when he demonstrated to Dick and Larry how to put in motion Mango, Coconut, Pineapple, Bananas with proper sounds and body movements.

After the yard sale was over Saturday I moved our trailer up near the patio so will be easy to load stuff for when we head out next Tuesday (Just a week from today!)

Started setting stuff out around noon on Friday and lots of stuff was sold to people in the park that afternoon.

Was very hot and windy both days, but especially on Saturday morning.  Sign advertises the yard sale is from 8 am to 12 noon, but someone opened the gates a little after 7 and "outsiders" where all over, in our way setting things out, even trying to buy stuff out of the Texas Room from where we were hauling the stuff we wanted to sell.  I had to get something out of the back of the pickup and a guy followed me and wanted to buy something out of the back of the pickup!  Of course, if they did buy something they didn't want to pay much of anything.  I hate dealing with people!

After church service at the Rec Hall, we went to Cheddars and ate some delicious Barbequed Baby Back Ribs.

Veggie Man Joe had quite a crowd Friday afternoon.

He had bags of the really sweet 1015 Onions, but with all of our stuff at the house for the yard sale, we just told him would take 50 lbs. next Friday.

Last Thursday evening we (the Men of A-Chord) performed here at Kenwood.  Not the biggest crowd, but appreciative.  You can see this performance by CLICKING HERE

We perform later this afternoon in Mission, TX and then next Sunday our last performance is in Alamo, Texas.

Phyllis has been working on a quilt for some time.  Finally got it off the frame and is hemming around the edges here.  Now she is crocheting while watching TV!

Robert Randolph had been a resident here in Kenwood for many years.  Just after Christmas, at age 95, he passed away.  His partner Dan had a Celebration of Life including the local American Legion doing a ceremony.  Robert had gone into the Airforce right out of high school in 1943 and they had a write-up of his time in the war.

Dan speaking before the luncheon.

After the American Legion Ceremony Dan gave a short speech while photos were playing on screen behind him.  Then there was quite a luncheon he had had catered.  Afterwards there was a dance, but we did not stay for it.

  We had put Patty on the plane in Harlingen by 5 am on Wednesday.  Enjoyed her month with us during February. She made it safe and sound back to Shenandoah, IA but has experienced snow and cold since then.  However, she did not experience the terrible tornado that wasn't too far away near Winterset, IA

Tuesday we went to our last practice for the barbershop chorus.  They will have one more practice, but it is on the day we leave a week from today.

Patty was able to get in one last shuffle board play on Tuesday morning.

Have spent hours working out our trip home starting next week with stop at Canton, Texas, Cape Girardeau, MO and Marengo, Iowa with the various reservations at RV parks along the way.  Also, have got all the reservations made for our trip that will start April 22nd and end May 10th with stops in Marengo, IA, Cape Girardeau, MO, Columbia, TN, Lincolnton, GA, Athens, AL, Nashville, TN, Cape Girardeau, MO with some extra overnight parks in between.  Will See how things go, timing not the best with the gas price, but that won't stop us.
Later, Lynn

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