Tuesday, March 15, 2022

In Bryan-College Station, Texas

 71º with bright sunshine at 6:42 pm here in College Station, TX on Tuesday evening.

Sunday evening we went to Alamo, TX to perform our last, of the season, concert of the Men of A-Chord Barbershop Chorus.  The neighbor lady who offered to run my video camera had some trouble with it, but got much of the performance.  Here is what she got - CLICK HERE

Here we are turned around, putting on sun glasses and putting up the back of our shirt collars to perform a '50's song "In The Still of the Night"

Monday noon we went to Junction Cafe in Pharr for the "end of season Men of A-Chord luncheon"   Phyllis had donated a quilt she had hand-sewn to the group and tickets had been sold at all our concerts this year.  They brought in over $340 from those tickets and drawing was held after our luncheon.  A friend of one of our bass singers who had visited him from South Dakota and bought a ticket at one of our performances won the quilt.  All money, from this and from tickets to our concerts, after expenses goes to sponsor music scholarships to graduating seniors in the Rio Grande Valley, so this helped those scholarships. 

CLICK HERE for the casual video I made during the session after we ate.  

We left Kenwood at 8:15 am this morning with our travel trailer.  Spent couple days moving things into the trailer and the back of the pickup.  Many of my shop tools, 50 lbs of 1015 onions, several boxes of things we are taking to Lolla after we cleaned out her trailer she sold; items to take to Harold & LaRhoda from cleaning out their park model before the sold it, one of our recumbent trikes, etc., etc.

Not a lot of room left in the back.

Monday afternoon there was a large gathering at our new neighbors - Bill & Pam Elwanger - for Gerri Boutelli's birthday.

Well, will head on to Canton, Texas tomorrow.


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