Sunday, February 20, 2022

Another busy week here in South Texas

 70º here in La Feria, TX at 7:15 pm Sunday evening, cloudy all day, but nice temperatures.  Last several days we have been on the run.  Men Of A-Chord Barbershop concerts Wednesday, Friday and this afternoon.  Making up many of the dates we missed due to illness late in March.

Couple of photos from today.  CLICK HERE for video of today's concert (Camera run by Patty S)

CLICK HERE for Friday's Video

and CLICK HERE for Wednesday's Video

This was us in our monkey suits before we drove the 42 miles west to where we performed today.

After church we went out with Patty & Darlene to the La Feria Café for late breakfast..

Some shots from Thursday evenings Beanbag Baseball game.  This next Thursday will be the last for Ardel Finken to keep score for this which he has done for many years.  They leave the park for the last time next weekend.

Here I started  digging in a soaker hose to water our Bougenvelia bushes

Got the soaker hose buried and now burying hose to it.

Put buried boards up nearly to the faucet to keep the yard mower guys from eating up the hose with their weed whippers.  Will give it a coat of grey paint to kind of camouflage it.

Tuesday we picked up Doris Winter at her park in Alamo on the way back from Men of A-Chord Barbershop Chorus practice and she was able to be with us for the final Pegs & Jokers with Bob & Bobi Raab as well as Pat Smith, Butch Giesking, Patty Steckelberg, Joyce Holder and Darlene Winslow.  Had Pizza before the P&J game.

Pat Smith and Theresa VanOnen played the organ and piano at Kenwood Church this morning.

Phyllis gave a recitation at church - "If Jesus came to your house", which was the same as one she had given at church when she was 10 years old.  CLICK HERE for video of this

Pastor Stan Gray gives very thought-provoking sermons each Sunday.

We were only given a few minutes to go over special music this morning.
Click HERE for video.

Saturday morning they had a "Show and Sell" at the Rec Hall.  Only items personally made, or collections could be shown, and, if desired, sold.
Phyllis displayed several of the quilts she has here and set up her quilting frame and quilted during the morning.

They had hot dogs, hamburgers and Charro beans at noon.

Well, is now almost 10:30 Sunday evening and am running out of things to say/show.
Plan on going to Mexico with Patty tomorrow and to South Padre on Wednesday with Patty and Jan & Lynn Frye.  MOAC practice on Tuesday, quilting on Thursday, and a "goodbye"  supper with Finkens on Friday.  Anniversary party is Saturday and Phyllis & I are going to sing as part of the program.  Sunday we go to Llano Grande RV in Mercedes with the Men of A-Chord (Jan & Lynn are staying at that park).  Have done 4 performances for Barbershop Chorus and have 4 remaining.

Later, Lynn

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