Sunday, January 30, 2022


70 degrees with sunshine here in Kenwood at 4:30 pm Sunday..  Have had rain most of the week and it is forecast for rain all day tomorrow.

 Up-to-date video of Kenwood RV streets

Had a new photo of us taken this morning.

First church service of the 21-22 season this morning here at Kenwood RV.

 .  This quartet practiced at break time during our Tuesday Men of A-Chord practice.  Our director, in the blue shirt, tested positive for Covid-19 later that day and we have had to cancel the concert for tonight as well as next Tuesday's practice.  Will see how things go for further practice or concerts.  I was able to reschedule tonight's performance to February 27th at LLano Grande RV Park in Weslaco.

These two photos don't mean anything; I just thought they were neat when I saw them online.

Saturday we went, with Bob & Bobi Raab to Rudy's BBQ in Pharr and met Doris Winter and her daughter Kate who was visiting from Minnesota.

Then we went back to Doris's park and visited and played Pegs & Jokers for several hours.

Phyllis MC'd for program Saturday night.  A pair of twins with lots of comedy and music.

One routine had 3 of the audience members participating in a routine.

These guys spend 3 months in Texas, 3 months in Florida and 6 months in and around Ohio.  They were so good we had several people come from another park where they had entertained last week and wanted to see them again.

We are looking forward to having Patty from Shenandoah getting here this Tuesday for a month.

Later, Lynn

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