Saturday, January 22, 2022

Rain and "cold" in the RGV

46º with light rain at 11:45 am on Saturday.  Had about 2/3" of rain the last couple days, with temps between 33º and 45º and lots of wind with the rain.  Pretty cold for this far south!

Click HERE for article on CALLAWAY 

Went to the Riverside Club which is on the Rio Grande River southwest of Mission, TX on Thursday afternoon to a music program/dance with Justin Trevino from Brady, TX, Sharon and Roger Kenaston from Lyons, NE, Barry and Linda Burton from Bethany, MO, and Mike Hughes from Oregon, MO.  Have heard all of these musicians many times -- at Wahoo, NE, Macon, MO and other places.  Very good.

Earlier Thursday we had gone to Mission, TX to the second "Show Case" where entertainers show their talents and you can book them for your park.  Phyllis booked this one-man-band for sometime in 2023.  He played all the instruments as well as sang and his wife sang with him.  Looks kinda cornie, but really sounded pretty good.
Tuesday we were in McAllen for barbershop chorus practice.  This quartet was doing some practicing after our regular session.

Wednesday we went to Mission to the Winter Texan Expo and Health Fair.  We got there at opening and there was a very small crowd.  Some of the exhibitors said there had been a decent sized crowd the first day of the Expo, but we didn't see many people.

Did some shopping, and price comparisons for the Valentine's Dinner Phyllis is planning for at both Costco and Sam's Club.

This is some beef tenderloin at $15.99 a pound -- over $80 for a package.  Know the ranchers aren't receiving a very big chunk of this price.

Wednesday night was our first, of the month, Pot Luck supper.  A poor percentage of the park people attended, but those who did got a good variety of very good food to eat!

Last Sunday we did our first performance of the Men of A-Chord barbershop chorus at Casa De Valle RV Park in Alamo.  Had a pretty good turnout.  Don't have any photo of the whole group, but this is one of the quartets who performed during our break in the program.  When Patty gets here she can take some pics of the group!

That performance was in the afternoon and we made it back to Kenwood in time to be at the "Festus" program that Phyllis had lined up.

Tomorrow (Sunday) we will have the grandson of Floyd Cramer performing at the piano here in our Rec Hall.  Have heard him at the show case and he is a terrific piano player.

Last night she had the Baker Family here.  They always put on a good show.  In this picture the Dad is performing the Auctioneer Song--the only time he performs on stage with the rest of the family.

How do you feel about these cleaning recommendations?

All the potted flowers are in the Texas Room until this cold spell gets over with.  

Until next weekend ---- Lynn

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...