Sunday, January 16, 2022

Kind of busy this last week

55 degrees here in Kenwood RV at 11:15 am on Sunday - was a low of 39 degrees this morning and yesterday was strong winds (20-25 with gusts to 30 mph).  Little wind now and bright sunshine today.

Have been busy this last week -- twice drove the 35 miles west to McAllen for Barbershop Practice--we will give our first concert this afternoon at 4 pm at Casa Del Valle in Alamo.  Though we have had 25 to 30 singing in the group the last four or five years I have been active, we will have only 12 this afternoon.  Don't know how long we can keep the singing group going.

 Of course, this doesn't show any motion, but the weather station wind catcher was really spinning when I took this photo over the top of our roof.

Tuesday morning we took part in the shuffleboard games.

Went to Men of A-Chord barbershop chorus practice after lunch.

Wednesday we spent a long day at the Rio Grande Valley's Show Case where entertainers perform for a short time and Activity Directors/Entertainment Directors have a chance to book shows for next year.  Heard some 30 different acts and Phyllis did get several booked.  Will be doing it again next Thursday -- were told it would be a shorter list of entertainers that day.

Wednesday evening the Pegs & Jokers group met at Butch's place.

Thursday a very small group met for Meet & Greet at the hall at 4:00 pm.  Just a gab fest and snacks that everyone brought.

At 6:30 pm Thursday we had a pretty sizable turnout for Bean Bag Baseball.

Friday morning we were again in McAllen, TX for barbershop chorus practice.

At 5 pm Ed Stanger and his crew put on a Chili Supper at the hall with a good turnout.

Saturday morning we worked with several other people sorting out the damaged folding tables at the hall.  I took down my reciprocating sander and smoothed off dings and scratches on several.  Sorted out about a third that were considered "bad" and not to use and stored them to the back so people wouldn't get them out.  Fixed a few chairs that had missing plastic pieces for supporting the back legs and have three of them that don't have them on that are also segregated.

Above was taken during the wind on the west side of our patio/entrance.

Hoping for successful performance this afternoon and we have to return quickly to work with "Festus" as he puts on his hilarious comedy routine, including up to 40 character improvisations.

Later, Lynn 

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