Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Trip day 12 near Columbia, TN

 95º with bright sunshine here near Columbia, TN with a feel-like of 102º Tuesday Noon.

Well, have taken 620 photos since we left home on July 30th -- 263 photos just yesterday and this morning.  Spent just over 3 hours editing yesterdays and another hour & a half this morning.

Although the grounds are not open to the public right now, we stopped at the front gate of Rory Feek's place for photos.  (Per the suggestion of our waitress this morning at Marcy Jo's Mealhouse & Bakery)

We have followed Rory Feek for years.  Here are some websites on him Wikipedia  and His Web Page  Have many of his and Joey's recordings and his books, CD's and DVD's.

Yesterday morning we drove by the Feek place and then into Columbia.  walked around downtown and got coffee & roll at Muletown Roasted Coffee.

Walked through several shops, including a mall with lots of booths in it.  Some neat signs here.  Phyllis got a blouse at one of them.

Asked a man in downtown store what we should see in town---he pointed out that a block and a half away was the home of James K. Polk, the 11th president of the US.  Went there and joined another couple on a guided tour by our guide Phyllis.

Click HERE for Polk's Wiipedia
We spent probably 90 minutes on the tour and that much time or more looking through the museum which is in the house next to his.  This house was one he had bought for his sister, who lived there with here 11 children for some time.   Polk was a sickly man, spent much of his time studying when young, became a lawyer and eventually Governor of Tennessee and later President from March of 1845 through March of 1849.  He died just 3 months after leaving office.  His wife wore black in mourning for 42 years until her death.  He was a workaholic, and had to be busy all the time.  He posed one time (some 6 hours) for a portrait and said it was the most waste of time he had ever done.

His Mexican-American war from 1946 to 1848 brought about much of the west that had been claimed by Mexico to being part of the US.

Most interesting time there.

This morning we drove to Marcy Jo's Mealhouse & Bakery for breakfast (Delicious and huge)

Leaving Marcy Jo's Mealhouse & Bakery, we stopped at roadside stand and bought some tomatoes and peaches.

Then, went on to Marcy Jo's Bakery & Coffee House.  Was full from breakfast (and even brought big cinnamon roll where we bought breakfast to take with us--actually man from Illinois at table next to us was finishing him and said it was great and so we ordered it---only to find that he had paid for ours) we did buy loaf of bread and a sticky bun and cherry Danish for later.

Have returned to the trailer and after spending this couple hours on the computer and resting, will head in to Columbia this afternoon.

Later, Lynn

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