Friday, August 20, 2021

Last day in Mountain City, TN

73º here in Mountain City, Tennessee at 7:45 pm Friday.  Click on photos to enlarge.

Really had a good time last evening when we went out to supper with Kody and Mary Rachael Norris.  They are entertainers we first met in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas years ago.

Eating at Sparky's at state line between Tennessee and North Carolina on Thursday evening.

This morning we got to tour the B&B place that Kody and Mary Rachael have before they put on 

The Farm & Fun Time Noon Show

Click HERE for Kody Norris Show  that we watched.

Here is the house they broadcast from:

Before they went on the air today Mary Rachael gave us a personal tour of this great big house that they bought some 5 years ago and completely renovated it.

This is the hall that they record their program from when they are not on the road.  They moved the sofa to behind where I am standing when took this photo where we sat during the program.

Patty S. this photo is for you.  We ate lunch at a restaurant here in town and Phyllis got the fried chicken.  She didn't think it came from a rooster like was up on a shelf there.

We then drove to an antique mall where Mary Rachael had told us she had a booth -- is now selling a lot of gift baskets tailored to whatever theme the buyer wants.

Stopped at several other antique outlets and browsed.  I enjoy old Life magazines and bought several that are 30 to 40 years old.

I pumped up all the tires, took a pound or two in all of them, PU and trailer.  Maybe because of the 2,750 feet elevation here.  Will hook up in the morning and head to Bristol, Virginia where we will tour Birthplace of Country Music Museum and then go on to Pennington Gap, Virginia for overnight.

Later, Lynn

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