Saturday, August 7, 2021

Day 9 on the road is over and we are in Cape Girardeau, MO

 It is now 8oº with "feel like" of 90º at 7:05 pm Saturday in Cape Girardeau, MO.  When we got here at the RV Park in Cape Girardeau at about 1;30 pm it was 93º with "feel like" of 102º while we were setting up the travel trailer.  As I finish this post about 8:00 pm it is down to 79º.

Hot direct sun.  We unhooked trailer and used the shower facilities here and then went the mile or two to my brother Don's place.  After a bit of a visit we went out to eat.

After a little more visit back at their place and them fussing with the dogs, we headed back to our trailer, hooked up and won't take much to pull out in the morning.

GROANER'S CORNER:((  A pastor who was badly overworked went to the local medical center and was able to have a clone made. The clone was like the pastor in every respect--except that the clone used extraordinarily foul language. The cloned pastor was exceptionally gifted in many other areas of pastoral work, but finally, the complaints about the dirty language were too much.The pastor was not too sure how to get rid of the clone so that it wouldn't look like murder. The best thing, he decided, was to make the clone's death look like an accident. So the pastor lured the clone onto a bridge in the middle of the night and pushed the clone off the bridge.  Unfortunately, there was a police officer who happened by at that very moment and arrested the pastor for making an obscene clone fall.


Why do people hate getting up early in Athens?  Because Dawn is tough on Greece.

More as we head down the road -- Lynn

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