Saturday, August 28, 2021

Greetings from Ohio

86º with feel like of 96º and hot, bright sunshine here in North Bend, Ohio.  Our RV Park is on State Line Road, and a couple hundred feet to the west is Indiana and we drove into the corner of Indiana to get here this morning.

We spent the last couple days doing the CREATION MUSEUM  and ARK ENCOUNTER   which are both in Kentucky.  We spent better part of Thursday driving the 60 miles or so to the Creation Museum and returned to our trailer parked at Dry Ridge, KY.  On Friday we drove the 8 miles to the Ark Encounter.  Both were interesting and lots of time spent reading all the posters and presentations and watching videos.  We had found out that THE ISAACS  were going to be performing on Friday at the Ark at 10 am and 5 pm along with other entertainers for the 40 Days And Nights Of Gospel Music that has various gospel entertainers for ---40 days, we had seen that Sarah Davison and her Highroad band  was performing Thursday, but our timing didn't work out for us to see her.  

Just before going
into the
Creation Museum

Just inside the Creation Museum

I took just under 1,000
photos between the
two places and it
will take a long time
to edit them.

I will try to get my photos organized and fully edited, probably after we return home, and upload them to my Google Photo Albums and will be giving a chance for you to look at the over 2,000 photos I have taken so far-- and we have another 10 days to go, including Bluegrass Festival in Macon, MO.

This is our first view of the Ark -- we were transported some 3/4 mile or so from the parking area where we could not see the Ark.  

We went directly to the Answer Center and saw the 10:00 am show featuring the Isaacs, with other entertainers.  It lasted about 1 1/2 hours.

We went to the actual Ark later in the afternoon and spent more than two hours walking the three decks of this huge boat.

I am running short of time, and we are going to run into Cincinnati to meet our daughter at Findlay Market for lunch and a look around as our finale to the nearly week she has spent with us.

Later, Lynn

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