Tuesday, August 31, 2021

In Macon

 Very weak phone service here in Macon MO which won't support Hot Spot so no WiFi to blog on computer.  So am doing what I can on the phone.  

Had a good time in Red Skelton musium yesterday morning. Will be here until Sunday when we will be home in Clarinda.


Sunday, August 29, 2021

In North Bend, Ohio

77 degrees at 8:25 am here in North Bend, Ohio Sunday morning.  Will be moving to Vincennes, IN today and may have time to work on photos and this blog then.  Last evening I found these videos about the Ark Encounter.  Since we had seen it, they may mean more to us than anyone watching them that hasn't been there.

Video of The Ark Encounter and Building the Ark Encounter  and Bill Nye Tours the Ark Encounter with Ken Ham  and Visiting The Ark Encounter In Northern Kentucky | Real Life Noah's Ark!  and The REAL Noah's Ark FOUND  and Ken Ham tours through the Ark Encounter with Billy Hallowell  and The Ark Encounter - Full Size Noah's Ark in Williamstown, KY (Complete Walkthrough)  

Later, Lynn

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Greetings from Ohio

86º with feel like of 96º and hot, bright sunshine here in North Bend, Ohio.  Our RV Park is on State Line Road, and a couple hundred feet to the west is Indiana and we drove into the corner of Indiana to get here this morning.

We spent the last couple days doing the CREATION MUSEUM  and ARK ENCOUNTER   which are both in Kentucky.  We spent better part of Thursday driving the 60 miles or so to the Creation Museum and returned to our trailer parked at Dry Ridge, KY.  On Friday we drove the 8 miles to the Ark Encounter.  Both were interesting and lots of time spent reading all the posters and presentations and watching videos.  We had found out that THE ISAACS  were going to be performing on Friday at the Ark at 10 am and 5 pm along with other entertainers for the 40 Days And Nights Of Gospel Music that has various gospel entertainers for ---40 days, we had seen that Sarah Davison and her Highroad band  was performing Thursday, but our timing didn't work out for us to see her.  

Just before going
into the
Creation Museum

Just inside the Creation Museum

I took just under 1,000
photos between the
two places and it
will take a long time
to edit them.

I will try to get my photos organized and fully edited, probably after we return home, and upload them to my Google Photo Albums and will be giving a chance for you to look at the over 2,000 photos I have taken so far-- and we have another 10 days to go, including Bluegrass Festival in Macon, MO.

This is our first view of the Ark -- we were transported some 3/4 mile or so from the parking area where we could not see the Ark.  

We went directly to the Answer Center and saw the 10:00 am show featuring the Isaacs, with other entertainers.  It lasted about 1 1/2 hours.

We went to the actual Ark later in the afternoon and spent more than two hours walking the three decks of this huge boat.

I am running short of time, and we are going to run into Cincinnati to meet our daughter at Findlay Market for lunch and a look around as our finale to the nearly week she has spent with us.

Later, Lynn

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Leaving Lexington, KY for Dry Ridge, KY

 93º here in Lexington, KY with a feel like of 98º at 6:30 pm on Tuesday evening.

Was a real nice day,  Our daughter Michelle, with her two dogs - Mouse & Dawson - got here about 11 am yesterday (Monday).  I had gone to a Havoline  place for change of oil in the pickup.  After eating lunch at the trailer we drove the area looking at all the fences and horse farms.

Arena at left is on the grounds here at Horse Park where we are camping.

Picked up lunch at Fazolis and brought it back to the trailer.

A few games of Pegs & Jokers in afternoon
and evening..

Well, it happened again.  Started this and then was interrupted by supper, Pegs & Jokers and then tiredness.  Michelle & her two dogs stayed with us in the trailer overnight.  Not a lot of room in the trailer for all of us, but we made it through.  It is now 6 am on Wednesday morning.

Tuesday morning we drove some 5 miles to a hotel were we were picked up for a Horse farm and track tour with Thoroughbred Heritage Horse Farm Tours.   Click HERE for their site  

Spent time at Keeneland Race Track.  They have races in one month in the spring and one month in the fall.  In September they have several days of one of the largest thorough bred horse sales in the nation where millions of dollars exchange hands.

 Located in the Horse Capital of the World, Keeneland is an internationally renowned racecourse and the Thoroughbred industry’s leading auction house. Founded in 1936, Keeneland’s mission is to continually invest in the industry and to preserve the tradition of Thoroughbred racing.  Click HERE for Keenland

Mike, the tour guide, took our photo near the finish line at the track.

Phyllis mentioned that her dad, who had riding horses most of his life, would have enjoyed this trip.  He passed away 35 years ago this next Sunday.

Magdalena Farms -video of horse farm we visited.

We were shown several horse farms from the road, but stopped at Magdalena Farms and spent time in their horse barn.

Click HERE for Simply Ravishing

Mike, our guide, is quite fond of this horse, shown below.

These colts were about 5 months old and had been weened only a few weeks at Magdalena Farm.

The horses in the stalls here had just been feed, so they weren't paying a lot of attention to us.

We spent time at the trailer yesterday afternoon after eating at a very good Japanese Buffet for lunch following our tour.

After more Pegs & Jokers following supper here in the trailer, Michelle went back to her friend in Cincinnati and will return to us after we move from here in Lexington to a spot in Dry Ridge, KY where we will travel to The Ark Encounter and The Creation Museum -- on separate days near Williamsburg, KY and  Petersburg, KY in the next few days..

More Later, Lynn

Sunday, August 22, 2021

In Lexington, Kentucky

88 degrees with bright sunshine at 4:30 pm here in Lexington, KY where we set up a couple hours ago on Sunday afternoon.

Drove in a little fog early this morning when we left Pennington Gap, VA.  We had no T-Mobile phone service and, even though the park had WIFI we got there Saturday afternoon and no one in the office.  So, were out of touch and unable to post.

We stopped Saturday morning at the Birthplace of Country Music Museum in Bristol, VA and had a very enjoyable 3 or 4 hours (including a stop for lunch).  A retired gentleman hosted us during the start, and several other times.  He came to the lunch spot (he recommended) and visited with him a bit there.  He is widowed and says the time he spends with people at the museum is therapeutic for him.  

I don't recall his name, but he gave many stories of background to many of the performers who were at the Bristol Sessions that was in 1928 and related many stories.  He pointed out many buildings in town (which straddles Virginia and Tennessee) and how in early years it was a dreadful town with bordellos, thieves, etc. and they would run across the state line and be safe.  Finally there was an agreement between the states that allowed the town to do some police work on either side.
It is located in old downtown Bristol, just
on the Virginia side of the state line.

I would guess there were at least 5 different places where videos were played about the area, and about the Bristol Sessions of 1928 which is felt to be the beginning of the recording of music.  I would have bought the videos they showed, but the gift shop lady said they didn't have them for sale---darn!

I have located a few You tubes: Click HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and finally HERE  You can search You Tube and find many.

There were many stations where you could listen to different eras of music -- even one booth where you could sing along with them!

Our daughter, Michelle, will join us here in Lexington for a few days starting tomorrow.  We have a tour of the race track and several purebred horse race farms on Tuesday morning.

Hopefully post again tomorroe. - Lynn

Friday, August 20, 2021

Last day in Mountain City, TN

73º here in Mountain City, Tennessee at 7:45 pm Friday.  Click on photos to enlarge.

Really had a good time last evening when we went out to supper with Kody and Mary Rachael Norris.  They are entertainers we first met in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas years ago.

Eating at Sparky's at state line between Tennessee and North Carolina on Thursday evening.

This morning we got to tour the B&B place that Kody and Mary Rachael have before they put on 

The Farm & Fun Time Noon Show

Click HERE for Kody Norris Show  that we watched.

Here is the house they broadcast from:

Before they went on the air today Mary Rachael gave us a personal tour of this great big house that they bought some 5 years ago and completely renovated it.

This is the hall that they record their program from when they are not on the road.  They moved the sofa to behind where I am standing when took this photo where we sat during the program.

Patty S. this photo is for you.  We ate lunch at a restaurant here in town and Phyllis got the fried chicken.  She didn't think it came from a rooster like was up on a shelf there.

We then drove to an antique mall where Mary Rachael had told us she had a booth -- is now selling a lot of gift baskets tailored to whatever theme the buyer wants.

Stopped at several other antique outlets and browsed.  I enjoy old Life magazines and bought several that are 30 to 40 years old.

I pumped up all the tires, took a pound or two in all of them, PU and trailer.  Maybe because of the 2,750 feet elevation here.  Will hook up in the morning and head to Bristol, Virginia where we will tour Birthplace of Country Music Museum and then go on to Pennington Gap, Virginia for overnight.

Later, Lynn

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...