Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mabel's Clinic in Progreso, Mexico

59 degrees at 9:30 am Wednesday as I start this.  Woke up to 49 degrees.  Very windy.  Yesterday Harlingen, TX set a record high of 93 degrees before the wind changed to come out of the north.  Winds in the 30mph plus after that happened.  This was the first time in a couple weeks that we closed the windows.  Our Mobile Home creaked and the second roof made sounds as we were going to bed.  Quieted during the night, but is back - 18 mph from northwest with gusts to 23 mph.

Pictures of roof tile all 
in place.  Don't remember if
I posted this before.  Still
have to rip some 2"x4"s to
make narrow strips to 
lay over (under) the seams.

 Painting one of the
scrap 4' x 8' thin panelling
I got from the scrap pile
last year.

Starting to cover the wall of
the mobile home.  Put a breaker
panel in (just behind the stepladder
in this photo) but it has sheets
of plywood and metal roofing
in front of it.  So trying to work
that into the wall before I get
to the place where can go under
the trailer to the main electric box.

Yesterday Phyllis and Patty
went with a van load of
Kenwood people to Progresso, 
Mexico where they visited Mabel's
Clinic and a school. 

Kenwood people in
the clinic.

At the free clinic.

At Mabel's Clinic

They stopped at a couple homes.

 They stopped at a school.
Even though they had taken
items to donate to the kids,
the administrators took the
items -- to pass out later.

Went to exercise this morning.  Wore insulated hooded sweatshirt with short pants.
Have our pickup at a repair shop.  All sorts of warning lights came on the other day and Phyllis
came back home.  After I looked at the computer complaints it wouldn't start.  So had a mechanic that is about 4 blocks south of us came out and after some tinkering it ran, with heavy black smoke.  He drove it back to the shop and we are now waiting on some sort of air-intake sensor replacement.  Should have it back soon.  Have lots of offers from neighbors to use their cars................maybe should just go for a drive!

Later, Lynn

Monday, February 22, 2016

Laguna Atascosa

71degrees and heavy overcast here in La Feria, TX with High 86 | Low 67 °F predicted for today.  63 degrees in Mexico City right now with High 80 | Low 50 °F for today.

Yesterday. after church here in the park, we drove to Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge | Texas    click on that link for website.

The  Yucca plants are in bloom and they were quite pretty.

This is close-up of one of the heads that hasn't flowered out yet.

The tram we were in, pulled by a truck.  Their tram with the engine/drive unit was under repair.

Don't recall her name,
but the volunteer tour guide
did a good job of describing what we
were looking at and history of the 
area as well as recent weather factors
affecting the area.  They had been
wet last fall, but now are quite dry.
There are no rivers running through
the Refuge and no springs so having
enough fresh water for the birds
and animals is something they work at.

This is looking out at the water between the land and Padre Island.  She stated that the salinity in this water is some 30% higher than in the Gulf on the other side of South Padre Island due to small inlet or outlet to the gulf and high evaporation.

Our group looking out onto the

An ornery cactus flat on the ground
and was a problem for horses
when riding the area because it
would leave thorns in the
soft part of their hooves.

Photo taken yesterday
evening -- tomatoes
are doing slow, it seems
Maybe watched vegetagles
do that.

More later, Lynn

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Kenwood RV Park 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

68 degrees and foggy as I write this 6:20 am Sunday February 21st.
Last night was the Kenwood RV Park Celebration of 50th Wedding Anniversary.
3 couples will celebrate their 50th this year and many who have already celebrated 50 years were recognized.  Here are all my photos:

Theresa VanOenan, from
Ontario, CA on the piano

Click on photo to enlarge.  From that location you can right click on any photo and from the menu that comes up you can save any of the photos to your own computer.

Lavin and Jim Boozer, from Illinois
seated next to Phyllis

LaRhoda and Harold Neher
from Kansas

The three couples who are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary this year.
Joe and Joaney,                 , Don &      Foote.

Though many didn't attend, it was a nice program with history of the three couples read and all above 50 years married were acknowledge and stood up as their names were read.

Know all those in the park may enjoy these pictures.  As I have time, I will try to label names to the photos later.
Later, Lynn

Cold in the Valley

We are doing fine here in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.  A bit cool here - 41º now at 9:00 pm Sunday, in fact predicted to get down into t...