Thursday, July 30, 2015

More of Our New England Trip

88 degrees, bright sunshine near Ovid, NY

This was this morning about 7 amn

This is now at 5:15 pm EDST

Found it easy to sleep in this morning.  Then got a 30 lb. bottle of propane and a few groceries at two different Amish stores in this area.

Since have a bit of time......going to back track and pick up some photos.  These are of John and Daryl Crosby's place in St. Catherine, Ontario.  They are only a few miles from Niagara Falls, ON.  

 They have not a super big back yard, but have really got a lot of growing trees, bushes, flowers and vegetables.

 It is a very pretty yard, and productive for vegetables, too.

They grow several vegetables, including lettuce we ate more than once, in these two gutters--with minimal  soil.

These tomatoes were so plentiful and heavy that one of the pots tipped.  They were close to being eaten.

Bill & Therese Van Oenen live at Lowbanks, ON which is just west of Buffalo, New York where the Niagara River runs out of Lake Erie north over Niagara Falls and in to Lake Ontario.

They showed us several lift bridges over the Niagara River.

We saw a delightful sunset.

 Bill & Theresa's house is pretty new and they have done some finishing work to it since moving in a few years ago.

Lynn, Bill & Theresa -- just before we were to pull out from their place. 

Below is picture from front of their house, flowerbed and pond with cat tails--lots of landscaping done.

And, talking about gardens, Harold and Ernistine Malone sure work a lot on their garden.
 They live in Mendon, NY and have flowers as well as a lot of vegetable garden.

Well, will try to report in this weekend from Watertown, NY -- at the east end of Lake Ontario.

Till then, Lynn

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