Saturday, July 4, 2015

Back in US for 2 days

Ishpeming, MI 62º bright sunshine -  Bit cool this morning. 

On July 1st (Canada Day - their July 4th) most stores were closed and government offices closed, but the guided tours started then in the Legislative Building in Winnipeg.  We drove the 45 km or so and took the tour at 12 noon.

"Golden Boy" is atop their building.

Manitoba has buffaloes on  on everything -- including these two 5-ton, each, buffaloes in the entrance to their Legislative Building.

Our guide, Elizabeth, showing the bison with green background added to the British Flag.

My July - 2015 photos are all at Click Here They aren't all edited, but you can see if you want.

Their legislature is a uni-cameral and they ended their session on June 30th, the day before we were there.

Since it was Canada Day, there were 2 cannon set up in front of the building that fired several vollies at 12 Noon.  Glad they were aimed away from the building we were in.
After our tour we walked a few blocks to one of the many festivals that were going on in the city for Canada Day.

Lots of jewelry, crafts, food offerings.  We mostly "people watched".

 We drove around most of Winnipeg, just looking, and then returned to our trailer and barbequed chicken breasts for supper.

Oh, yeah, Phyllis did some laundry, too.

Have to mention, to Bill Oberholzer, that I did actually find the Mounty you reported me to, but he just saluted and wished me well!

On Thursday we drove Kenora, Ontario and visited Ellen Belbas at her house and had lunch with her.  She spends winters in her Mobile Home on the south side in Kenwood RV.

We spent the night at International Falls, MN after crossing back into the US.  No more (for the time being) interpreting distances from kilometers to miles, or temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit.  We drove along Lake Superior most of yesterday and spent last night at Ishpeming, MI.  They are having parades and celebrations down town this morning.  We will gather up the hose and electric wire, pull up the leveling supports, dump our tanks and drive downtown a bit to see what we can see then head for Sault St. Marie, ON to visit a few days with Richard and Shirley Posseboom 

More later, Lynn

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