Thursday, July 9, 2015

Near West Branch, Michigan

55 degrees - near West  Branch, MI at Winslow's place

We set up, for the fourth year in a row, in driveway of Bill and Darlene, arriving here about 2 pm yesterday (Tuesday)

We had visited with Karen Hamann at her house in Alpena, MI.  I didn't get a better picture of her.  For some reason I am sometimes forgetting to take pictures--hard to believe, eh?

We visited the Shipwreck Museum in Alpena Click Here  Quite an interesting place.

The Great Lakes is graveyard to lots of ships, especially in the late 1800's and early 1900's.  They offer a glass-bottom boat tour that goes over the sites of many wrecks, but due to high winds that day the tours were cancelled.

On Tuesday it had been raining so we didn't get the trikes out, but Wednesday morning we rode the 6 miles of really good bike trails around the Thunder Bay River area in Alpena.  We then hooked up the trailer and headed south.  We stopped near Oscoda, MI at Ray and Nancy Koss's place. 
They have a nice place on 11 acres that they build back in the early 1970's.  Both are retired schoolteachers and avid squaredancers who spend their winters in Kenwood RV Park in Texas.

Last night we played cards with the Winslow's and their granddaughter Courtney.  The "girls" are all off to something up town now.  We will be here probably until  Saturday or Sunday and then head to Ed and Brenda Woods in
Blenheim, Ontario.

More later, Lynn

1 comment:

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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