Thursday, July 30, 2015

Visit to Corning Museum of Glass

76º near Ovid, New York at 9:00 PM EDST Wednesday, as I start this.

Drove 60 some miles south and a little west to Corning, New York today and spent much of the day at the Corning Museum of Glass

Guess art is in the mind of who made it.... these are drinking glasses set on clear glass shelves.  Some of the glasses are colored----these are to be trees.

These are straight sheets of glass, but there is small amount of paint on them in the upper portion to look like a cloud.

And, this, friends, is a glass tire.

Bars of layered glass pressed together into sticks and then piled up.

Highly praised work of art.  Never could figure it out.

Room with "art" by glass.  T
 here were literally dozens of rooms with historic glass from around the world.          

Left-a rabbit?

Lady was making a fish out of two sticks of glass.

Just starting to make a vase -- glob of molten glass at 2100 degrees F.

Seen from above via camera to TV.

 One of the stages where full set of furnaces and demonstrations of glass blowing where staged.

Lady whirling and starting vase. 

Creating place where it will later be disconnected from her blow-stick.

 Shaping it.

Adding glob of new glass to form base

Shaping the base.

We watched 5 or 6 different glass-blowing demonstrations.  All the ovens here are electric fired, which are the only ones like them in the world.  Natural gas is the normal power for the ovens.

We went downtown - maybe 6 blocks from the Museum - and shopped at the Corning Outlet Store.

A good day.  And the drive between two of the finger lakes, going south was really nice.  The hills (mountains) are some 2,000 feet high between the lakes and you cross them and a lot of up-and-down.  We went on county roads and got to see lot of farm land - beans and corn, as well as lots of vineyards and some cabbage, onions and other truck gardening.  This is a beautiful area.  As I write this at 6:42 AM ESDT rain is moving in.  We are going to loll around this morning and look this local area over after lunch when the rain is to move out of the area.
Tomorrow we go north to Watertown, NY and will be parked for the weekend in driveway of Katie (Runyon) Johnston and visit with her and her family.  Monday we plan to move over east a little over a hundred miles to Tupper Lake which is in the Adirondack State Park.  Plan to visit the Wild Center (Click Here) 
Later, Lynn

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