Monday, July 20, 2015

Near Lake Ontario

Cobourg, Ontario -- 81 degrees, bright sunshine, breezy - feels great!

Got to Rosie Busch's house about 10:30 am and parked on her driveway.  Just fit between garage and curb of street.  Little up-hill to head of bed, but think it will work.  Hope level enough that refrigerator won't have trouble.
 Rosie has an immaculate yard, with vegetables as well as flowers against every wall.

She has screened-in area over her back deck that is great (sitting in it as I write).  Plenty of breeze coming through today and really a nice place.

These two photos were taken off 3rd floor deck at Kevin & Joyce's place of the sunset.  Really nice.

We spent time at Wolf Center at Haliburton Forest     Click Here to Web Site

Looked thru one-way glass and watched them in their natural environment. 

Man talked about the history of each of the wolves and their place in the hierarchy of the pack.

Next day we were at a Saturday festival that had lots of things, fur was at one booth.  I didn't buy this fur cap.

Variety of activities and crafts going on at the various tents.

This lady was explaining how she dyes sheeps wool to get the various colors.  Things like onion skins, beets, various things were used as dye.

Found quilts on display. 

We spent an enjoyable morning with Kevin & Joyce at the Haliburton Sculpture Forest  Click Here for web site 

This sculpture of farm junk and door knobs, etc. on power poles looked much different up close.

 Below sculpture is a spiral of sod on rock so you walk around the back and up on the top.

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