Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sackets Harbor, New York

Near Watertown, NY 59 degrees at 6:30 am Eastern Daylight Time

Last night the sun was setting in the west and these clouds, north and to the east collected a lot of light.

 Don't know how high they are, but are enormous in size.

We had spent much of the afternoon at  Sackets Harbor, NY
Sackets Harbor (Click Here)  
just to the east about 8 miles from where we are set up in yard of Randy and Katie Johnston.

Several times during the summer they do re-enactments of battles of the War of 1812 which this area played an important part in keeping the British from getting a foothold in the US.  This was the same war when the British did march to Washington and burned the White House.
 It was in the 80's and in the direct sunlight was quite warm -- these guys in their woolen suits were a bit warm!

One guy had gone all out to look like an Indian of that era.

All the participants, and their wives, were living for the weekend in a tent camp on site.

We walked several blocks away from the harbor and spent an enjoyable hour or so at the Seaway Trail Discovery Center.  Battles between US and British were quite important at this area and were described in detail. 

Though I took a hundred photos of the displays about the 1812 War era, won't post them here.

Last night we drove the 8 miles into Watertown and ate supper at Friendly's Ice Cream & Restaurant.  At right is Katie, Phyllis, Jase, and Angela.  Jase is Angela's son and Angela is Katie's daughter.

More later, Lynn

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