Saturday, August 22, 2015

Driving thru NYC & New Jersey Capital building

65º at our KOA campsite near West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Click on photos to enlarge.
Yesterday morning we got up a little earlier than had been doing.  Pulled our rig to the campground dump at Wolf's Den near East Haddam, Connecticut and headed west.  It rained before we got up, but let up to mist while we packed up and emptied the tanks.

This scene, as we were still in Connecticut, is like much of our drives in the New England area -- lots of trees, and winding roads, and most always going uphill or downhill.

 Because of regulations regarding propane tanks in the tunnels near New York City, our RV GPS directed us off the tollway and kept to bridges instead.  I had shut off the propane before leaving our campsite, thinking would go through the tunnels anyway, but followed the GPS.  We had been on the road several hours and it was necessary to look for a spot to pull over and use the restroom in the trailer.  Pulled off twice, but could find no on-street or off-street place so
ended up back on the I-274.  Finally, somewhere in the middle of things found a gas station and was able to park for enough time.  We had run out of the rain by then.  Being some 39 feet in length it is not always easy to maneuver with all the traffic. 

We were delayed a little over an hour with stop and go and the signs above the Interstate said their was an accident ahead.

We believe the tall building in this photo is the one built to replace the World Trade Centers destroyed on 9-11

Skyline of the skyscrapers in Manhattan

 This photo and the one below are of the Brooklyn Bridge.  I have read books on it's construction and wanted to stop and see this more, but not with all the traffic and the 39 feet of length to my rig.

 This Brooklyn Bridge was quite a structure, built many years ago.

Closer look of Manhattan as we drove by.

After some 240 miles, rather arduous, though all on tollways ($29 at one bridge, $16 at another and some $35 on roads) we reached Tenton, New Jersey (drove 300 miles for the day - a long day)

This photo from Earth Google shows how NJ Capital has a dome in the middle of several additions made over the years.
This photo is taken from the side of the building.  We had a very good tour-guide who explained that the building was added on to many times over the years.  And, they made no attempt to match the new addition with any of the other additions or the original.

This is the door to Gov. Chris Christie's office.  We got to his outer office, but not in to his office since he was in Iowa at the State Fair campaigning for President - 2016.

 Got to our KOA near West Chester, PA about 7:30 pm - very isolated in the country.  Quiet this morning, but last night the many family with kids had it really noisy.  Going to take off and drive 25 miles or so to the Lancaster, PA area today, return here for the night and then move closer to Harrisburg, PA for Sunday and Monday nights.

Later, Lynn

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