Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March -- 2015 is here!

La Feria, TX - 70 degrees at 8 pm.  Was 82 earlier in the day.  Thursday the high is to be 44 degrees.  Lots of ups and downs.
Monday was the monthly Kenwood Residents Association meeting.  Phyllis is on the board as treasurer.

Phyllis and Bobbi Raab by the flowers in front of her place.  We were going in to play Pegs & Jokers with them and Lyle & Doris Winter.  We had met them at Los Asados in Harlingen for a very good Mexican lunch.

Phyllis, Lyle & Doris, playing Pegs & Jokers
Bobbi & Bob with Phyllis at Raab's playing Pegs & Jokers.

Today we picked up LaRhoada and Harold Neher at the Harlingen Airport when they returned from their home where they had gone for a wedding of their Granddaughter this last Saturday.  Bill & Darlene Winslow met us at Gatti's Pizza where we all had lunch.

This afternoon I finished moving two of the windows I had put up last week on the west wall of our  Texas Room.   Moved them away from being in front of one of the posts for the awning.

Studs down and ready to re-set.

Studs moved and windows in.  Tomorrow is to be nice weather so will get the siding on them and framing done for the French doors that are to be on the cement by the steps.  Cold the rest of the week and weekend--will work on the inside then.

Pot Luck supper tomorrow evening.  Today was Craft Show at the Rec Hall in the morning and BlueGrass Jam this afternoon.  When riding our trikes this afternoon lots of people were sitting outside, visiting, walkiing, riding bikes, etc.  With cold and drizzle weather the last week haven't been many people venturing out.
Have 1055 photos in my February Picasa Album -- if you care to look at it -- CLICK HERE

Till later, Lynn

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