Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cold, Cold, Cold

La Feria, Texas - 47 degrees.  Was 40 degrees this morning.  Has been 30-something mph all morning, since about 1:30 am and misty rain. 

This is price of gas across street from our RV Park -- taken in January of 2015

This is price of gas yesterday -- at the same gas station.

Yesterday finished the siding below and between the last windows on west wall.

Today, until I got cold, finished up framing the sides for the French Doors and braced the south wall back to some ceiling supports.

At right shows board placed approximately where top of French Doors will come, and top of the 5' x 2' window to the right of it.

Took this photo at Stretching Exercise this morning - Man sitting on front of stage in the center is Ralph Snyder, aged 97 or 98.  He doesn't always do all the right moves, but tries most of them.

Yesterday neighbor Harold Neher asked me to help him make a riser for his recliner to make it easier to get out of.  Came up with this 6-sided set of 2" x 4" which I painted and let dry overnight.  Helped him get it set under the chair this morning and screwed it to the underside of the wooden swivel platform under his chair.  Works well.

Phyllis is working at Rec Hall today with the sewing and quilting group.  Will go to Meet & Greet there at 4 pm and again at 6:30 pm for Bean Bag Baseball.  Still very windy, but not so rainy outside right now.

Later, Lynn

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