Wednesday, March 11, 2015

52nd Wedding Anniversary

La Feria, Texas - 57 degrees with rain.

Tuesday, March 10th, was our 52nd Wedding Anniversary.
Twila and Bill Oberholser visited with us for a while Monday afternoon.  They spent the winter in their 5th wheel here in Kenwood and left on Tuesday morning for an RV Park near Pensacola, FL, visiting with her brother in Houston on the way.  Twila had been in charge of providing and serving cakes for the break in the Bluegrass Jam on Tuesdays.  Phyllis will finish out the month of March for her.

Played Manipulation at Winslow's with the Neher's.  Harold had a new card holder to help him.

Carl Pingleton got a three-wheeler and was out on it in front of our place the other day.

 Marti McCormick wasn't too excited about my taking her picture.  She really isn't as mean as she looks in the photo.

Tuesday, March 10th, was our 52nd Wedding Anniversary.  We both had appointments with the dermatologist in the morning, ate lunch at the house and I worked on the Texas Room all afternoon. Phyllis continued working on the quilt for LaRhoda. In the evening we went couple houses down to Lavin and Jim Boozer (From Kell, IL) and played Pegs & Jokers with them and Bill & Darlene Winslow (From West Branch, MI)  At right is Phyllis, Jim and Darlene.

At right -  Lavin and Bill

At right - Jim, Darlene, and Lynn

Went down to the Rec Hall Tuesday to help serve coffee while Phyllis and Darlene served the cakes at Bluegrass Jam break; Don Ferguson showed up to serve the coffee so I headed back to working on the Texas Room.

Sat in on the Jam for a while and took these photos.

Had the French Doors delivered today and got it installed and the storm door on the north end of the steps nearly installed.  Put up some scrap boards to fill in the walls temporarily with nasty day of wind and rain all afternoon.  Have to get the door knobs and locks.

Photo at left shows the door at the top of the landing.  Will put ceiling insulation up tomorrow.

Phyllis went to the Red Hat lunch at noon.  Think there were only 12 or so there.

Many have been leaving the park since the first of March.  In the next couple weeks there will be lots more leave.  We plan to head north on the 31st.

March Miles Picasa Album  Check out my photos if you want.
More later, Lynn

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