Monday, March 16, 2015

The Ides of March 2015

La Feria, TX 61º with rain.

Sunrise at Kenwood RV Park in La Feria, Texas in March of 2015

Phyllis working on quilt, and eying the TV.

Wood carvers working on their projects.

West wall sided and painted.  Still have to cover small space just under roof -- went to Harbor Freight in Brownsville, TX today and got a metal brake to bend metal to fit under roof, over windows.  Then trim to be put on.

Sun Communities owns our Kenwood RV Park and they put on a catered appreciation meal and thank you to all who helped during the year. 

Harold Williams and Jake Ferguson served ice cream along with the birthday cake honoring all who will have birthdays March thru October of this year.

Phyllis was in charge of putting on breakfast this Saturday.  She bought the 15 dozen eggs, bunches of potato patties, 5 gallon of orange juice, sausage, biscuits, and gravy mix on Friday.
 Diane, Pat, Dave and Phyllis working on the eggs, potato cakes, and biscuits.

Phyllis checking on the eggs,
 3 pans ready

                                                    Serving line.
                     Coffee and orange juice.

Served some 60 people.

Friday afternoons the "Veggie Man" always draws a good crowd.
  Lots of visiting, as well as people getting their veggies.  He always has pineapple, which he cores, tomatoes, jicamas, watermelon, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, cucumbers, avocados, beats, radishes, broccoli, peppers, oranges, onions, and other stuff.

Lots of people leaving the park, heading home.  The Connelleys are back in Kansas, McConnells heading for Minnesota, the couple from Beatrice, NE left yesterday, Lavon Shaeffer and his wife headed back to Kansas City, Parkers left yesterday for Kansas City, Lolo headed for Iowa, much of the east end of the south side--mostly class A's has cleared out.  By end of March, which is only a couple weeks away, majority will be heading north.  We intend to leave March 31st and head for home via Cape Girardeau, MO, Marengo, IA and Walcott, IA.

                       Phyllis had a new outfit on                         Sunday.

Winslows went with us as we drove to Brownsville for lunch Sunday at Dirty Al's and then got some stuff at the Harbor Freight Store in Brownsville.

More later, Lynn

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