Saturday, February 28, 2015

And, Cold again in the Valley

La Feria, TX  47º, misty rain with light wind all day long.  A bit miserable out.

This last week of Patty being here we went to several things.  One evening went to at Stephono's Brooklyn Pizza Place on Business 83 just west of Harlingen.  We had some Mushroom stuffed with crab meat appetizers first.
We got the Supreme 14" - delicious and we had enough left over to eat lunch the next day.

 This last week Phyllis & Patty spent several hours sewing two new purses.
Patty shows off her new purse.  Phyllis' was same color/style, etc.

We, and Patty, went to the Las Vegas Cafe in Harlingen for breakfast one morning.  They have a heck of a breakfast for less than $5, including coffee.

On Tuesday the Safety Representative from Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers, Inc. (RGVSG) 
Click HERE for website.  
presented a program on what they do.  Patty took these photos of the movie showing their operation.

 They burn the field before harvesting to get rid of as much other than the cane stalk, which limits the amount to run through cutter, truck, etc. 

After burned

Cutter harvesting.  Whirling knives up high cuts off the top of the stalk to eliminate running it through mill as it does not contain much sugar,

Wagon is filled as the chopper does it's thing.

Wagons are dumped in to trucks nearby.
Truck being unloaded at the sugar mill, which is at Santa Rosa, Texas -- which is about 12 miles north of where our winter home is.

"Selfie" as I am typing this.

Set up boards to see about where french doors will be when finish south end of the "Texas Room"
 Tearing down the steps and platform.  Rebuilding it narrower and longer to accommodate a door on the platform in to the new "Texas Room"

Much of the platform finished.  Upright board will be side of wall that the French Doors will be in.

Will be moving the south two windows 12 inches to the south and the 2" x 10" shown will be end of the wall -- also where the French Doors will be across end of room.

With the weather cold and wet today I spent much of the morning putting new covering on the ceiling in the shop/storage room.  Worked this afternoon putting most of the floor boards on platform and deciding how the storm door on the platform will hang and swing.

This afternoon we had Coconut pie that Phyllis had made with Bill & Darlene Winslow and then played a game of Manipulation.

   Till later, Lynn


  1. You really provided great information to us. This is really helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I also have some plan for going this place. Your experiences looks awesome. Try to go as soon as I can. Thanks!


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...