Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine Week

La Feria, TX  56º with predicted high of 71º

I am including a video taken at the Los Fresnos Rodeo last week.  (After I posted this I tried to play the video and it doesn't play completely, but you get the idea)

 On Monday of this week we had some 67 people from Kenwood RV gather at Gatti's Pizza in Harlingen for bingo, visiting and lunch.

Ferguson brothers - and Patty Steckelberg

This Tuesday Betty Schneider, from Iowa, celebrated her 85th birthday with cake and ice cream.  One son and 3 daughters came to Texas for her birthday.

Flowers in our back yard.
 Bougainvillea in back yard that we planted some 3 years ago

Cactus in back yard that I planted after finding it in rain gutter of neighbor's carport.  It only had 3 really small "cushions" at that time.

Our tomato plants.

Geraniums Phyllis brought from Iowa.

Buds just appearing on Profusion Zenia's Phyllis planted in flower pot beside the shop.

This last Tuesday most of the Kenwood RV Park residents who live in Iowa (and a few adopted ones) had pot luck lunch and visit.

Afterwards we had a meeting for the 2015 Summer Kenwood RV Midwest rally.  Decision was made to have it in June this year just before the weekend of the Iowa Rose Festival in State Center.  Look HERE  for their web page, though they don't yet have all the activities listed.  Our Kenwood Rally will be at Lolla's from Tuesday evening meal, June 16th through breakfast Friday June 19th.  The Rose Festival is from Thursday June 18th through Sunday June 21st.

Will be putting out news letter to those interested  and posts on here and Facebook.

More later, Lynn

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