Monday, February 9, 2015

February 2015 -- Here already, and moving on by

La Feria, TX 59º and Very, Very foggy -- drippy foggy.  To be in the 70's later, with sunshine is the forecast.

Have spent much of the last week or 10 days working with Pat Sumner (From Colby, KS) building a 6' x 8' platform and steps for neighbors Harold & LaRhoada Neher (Hiawatha, KS) - our next door neighbors.  Pat had his own repair shop for years at home and done much welding.  He did welding for his own steps and platform to their 5th wheel with ramp when his wife Lois had foot surgery in December of 
 this year.  He is a bit of a perfectionist and after welding each joint ground it down and wire-brushed it smooth.

Getting into the final frame assembly here.

With all metal welded we pulled it out into the yard in front of our place to spray paint the metal frame.

Finished product with Harold admiring.  
With the 5 steps (from the 3 they had been using) these steps are a lot easier for them to navigate.  The opening at the opposite end is for a ramp to be put up next fall to make easier access.

Last Wednesday afternoon Jan Guthrie Freye (Phyllis' first cousin) from near Lincoln, NE arrived in their 5th wheel for a 4 night stay in our park and visit with us.  They got here in time for our pot luck supper that evening and was able to visit with some of the people in the park.
 Lynn Frye - Jan's husband.

              Good ole' food at the pot-luck supper.

                   The "Food Line" at the pot-luck.  Patty, Phyllis are near and Jan & Lynn Freye beyond Phyllis

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