Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine Day OVER

La Feria, TX 70 degrees at 7:18 pm.
 Phyllis was in charge of arranging for caterers for Valentine Dinner, advance ticket sales, decorations, entertainment for program afterwards, etc.

At left they are working on getting linens on tables, some of the entertainers practicing.

Tables getting set up.
Phyllis and Kathy Connelly cutting cake and putting on tables, just before 5:30 opening of doors.

   Bob & Bobbi Raab preparing to take tickets, check off attendee's names on list, and pass out tickets for prizes.

Patty placing cake.  Caterers have set out utensils and napkins.

The four assigned ushers -- Lynn Miles (Clarinda, IA), Bill Connelly (Tescott, KS), Leonard Lund (Whiting, IA), and Joe Freeze (Indiana)

Ended up having 177 meals served.  Took 1/2 hour to seat everyone and about one hour for serving and eating.  Program started a little after 7 pm.

Our table.
Our table.

Patty Steckelberg (Shenandoah, IA)
Usses -- Phyllis & Lynn Miles (Clarinda, IA)

 Terry Steinke (Montpelier, OH) and her Mom
Jeanine Houk  (Cold Water, MI) played several songs on hammer dulcimers -- love songs that everyone sang along.

              We sang one song - Give A Little Love Away.

Virgil Greene (Bird Island, MN) read a story and interjected humor of replies of grade school kids to questions about love, etc.

Darlene Winslow did a skit on exercising.

She was supposedly following directions off a TV with Richard Simmons directing her.
 Exercising on the floor.

If you notice her "chest" area you will see she did lose some weight on her right side!

We went out to eat today after church at China Town in Weslaco, TX with Rev Ernest & Evelyn Baker (Kingston, OK) and Jim and Lavin Boozer (Kell, IL).  Stopped briefly at Don-Wes Flea Market and then came home and spent some time napping.
Phyllis & Patty went to the rec hall this evening for announcements and ice cream.  I was working on the windows and west wall of the "Texas Room" -- got the third window raised so all the same height.  I picked up two more 6' tall by 3' wide windows at McCoy Lumber Saturday and they will finish as much as I am going to enclose the west side.  Also got more 2"x6" boards and put several more up for ceiling, which ties the two walls together for support.  Will work on them this week.

If you want to look at all the photos I have taken so far in February CLICK HERE to see my photos in Picasa

More later, Lynn

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