Sunday, March 29, 2020

Cooler - overcast day

72º with overcast (almost rainy) skies and 79% humidity at 11:20 am Sunday.
Phyllis celebrated her 76th birthday yesterday.

Picked up some vegetables yesterday morning at Donwes Flea market  and then went to Costco in Pharr to get some $1.499 per gallon gas and I got a supply of Pickled Herring.  I also spared hardly any expense in buying her an all-beef hotdog and drink for $1.50 there for her Birthday Lunch.

Lines were controlled in entering Costco and instructions to get no closer than 6 feet to one another were issued.  I thought I was going to pick up our year's rebate on the Costco Card, but found I had to have
printed out an e-mail with a code on it to present to the service desk.  Was unable to get anything worked out on the phone there, so left and will try to find the e-mail gotten in February and print it out.

Work in progress -- cleaning tree leaves off the carport/Texas Room roof.

Audios -- LCM

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