Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Coronavirus apparently affecting our park

83º here in La Feria, TX at 5:45 pm Wednesday 3-11-20.  And, now it is 74º at 9:30 pm.  Entertained the Pegs & Joker group at our house this evening.

 Yesterday was our 57th Wedding Anniversary.  We went to the Men of A-Chord barbershop practice in McAllen and then went on to Mambo Seafood in McAllen for supper.  Not the fanciest place, but reasonable prices and excellent seafood.

 Had a good practice and were ready for the last concert of the year this next Sunday at Snow To Sun RV Resort in Weslaco.  However, Bob Wiese, who lives there and carpools with us to practices and shows, called this afternoon and said that RHP, who owns his park and our park, had notified the Chorus that they were shutting down the rec hall at least until the end of March so they cancelled the concert.

We received a written notice here this afternoon that the Rec Hall will be locked.  However, our manager is not here this week (She is finishing her testing for a Real Estate License in Austin) and no one seems to know for sure what is going on.  The girls who handed out the written notice (to others--we didn't get one at our house) implied that we could probably use the hall when the (the office) weren't here.  Will need enlightenment tomorrow on it.

Today we had taken some aluminum and iron over to a metal place and gone on to Don Wes Flea Market, then back to Harlingen and to our insurance agent to renew insurance on the mobile home for another year.

Till later, Lynn

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