Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Men of A-Chord "Hasta la Vista" luncheon

Our "Hasta la Vista" luncheon at the Junction Cafe in Pharr, TX was held Monday noon, March 9, 2020.  The term "Hasta la vista" is a Spanish farewell that can be literally translated as "Until the (next) sighting" and means "See you later" and "Goodbye".

We do have one more program to present this next Sunday evening at Snow To Sun RV Resort in Weslaco, but this was a thank you to the members, and their wives, for their work this year in singing with the Barbershop Chorus.

    Here are  pictures I took before and after we ate.   Click on any photo to enlarge; and, you can save to your computer/phone.

 The Board Members were all recognized and all others who have done extra work for the year were recognized.  Several quartets sang and the "Spare Parts" that I am in sang a song as well as the entire chorus sang a couple songs at the close.

Video taken is available for your viewing - CLICK  HERE

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