Thursday, March 5, 2020

Big concert tomorrow night

67º  with 16 mph winds and bright sunshine at 11:30 am on Thursday.

Finally sold the Shopsmith that I bought in 1983.  Had brought it down here to Texas several years ago and put it on Yard Sale a year ago.  Advertised it for the Yard Sale this Saturday and a guy called up and bought it yesterday. Had reduced price by $300 during last year's yard sale, and reduced another $200 now.
Butch Geisking, Pat Smith and Bob Raab

Had pot luck supper at the Rec Hall Wednesday and then Pegs & Jokers at the Neher's next door afterwards.
Bobi Raab, Harold Neher, Phyllis Miles

LaRhoda Neher and Bobi Raab

Bob Raab and Darlene Winslow

I know, hard to believe.  Have several little green tomatoes on the plants. Planted as seeds last October and finally starting to get a little something.  Did move them in to the Texas Room to keep them away from the birds.
 The reddish color in these photos is reflection from the LED Grow Lamps I have above them.

Took the fabric from storage shed over to the Rec Hall this morning and returned it at Noon.  Phyllis is getting out clothes, etc. to put on garage sale Saturday morning.

Usually put out stuff at noon on Friday for the people in the park, but we have to leave before 2 pm tomorrow for Pharr to participate in the practice with the other three groups for our program at 7 pm at night.  Will have the Men of A-Chord, Sweet Adalines, Senior Ambassadors, and the Rio Grande Valley Concert Band.  So will put out our items early Saturday morning and take anything unsold in at noon as we are to drive neighbors Harold and LaRhoda Neher to South Padre Island for Harold's birthday dinner.

Later, Lynn

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