Friday, August 9, 2019

Kenwood Summer Rally is over for this year

Click on photos to enlarge.

We are in Champaigne, IL at a campground tonight, Friday.  Had great weather today and most of this whole week.  Left State Center, IA about 9:20 this morning after eating breakfast with all the Kenwood RV people.

This photo was taken Wednesday evening.  Earl Osman came several days, but he was not there at the time of the photo.
Ed Stanger really enjoyed his "initiation" of the first timers.

Ed thought it was hilarious to have the 5 first timers stick their finger in a jar of runny-creamy peanut butter while they were blind folded and trying to put their finger at the tail of the donkey.

 Ed hid 3 M&Ms in whipped cream and had the 5 find them with their mouth without holding the pie tin.  Of course, he had to jam some of them face first into the pie.

Those who didn't have t-shirts with years marked they
had attended the State Center Rally got new ones
and all marked the extra year 

 Lots of games were played, including Pegs & Jokers.
Dime Bingo was played

 On Wednesday we drove to Newton, IA and toured the office and packing area of Maytag Blue Cheese factory.

 The men went as one tour group and the ladies as another.  We both got to sample not only the Blue Cheese they make there, but several other cheeses they have made under their label by other cheese manufacturers.

CLICK HERE for Maytag Blue Cheese website 
CLICK HERE for early film on blue cheese making
CLICK HERE for video we saw of the factory

Lolo and Butch with their t-shirts

From Bill's Celebration of Life

Lining up to eat

 Thursday evening we had a game passing gifts we had each brought.

Friday morning breakfast - blueberry pancakes


We are off from here in the morning and hope to be in camping spot on the Ohio State Fair Grounds by noon tomorrow.


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