Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cool in West Branch Michigan

59 degrees here near West Branch with heavy overcast skies.  Rained off and on during the night.
Spent much of the day yesterday at the fair (and Phyllis did several loads of clothes with Darlenes washer.
Some geese on Darlene's lake behind her house

Lots of flowers all around the fair grounds

Bill Martin, from some 30 miles west of here, on
Houghton Lake, came over for the day.

Sue Martin,Phyllis & Darlene
Bill, Susy & Phyllis watching Skeaky Peat

Suzy & Bill saying good buy at the entrance gate

looking at some displays

Watching chain saw carving
Spent the day with Martins and Darlene and Phyllis finished up the clothes washing.
This morning we have eaten breakfast with Darlene and will do some things in West Branch before going back to the fair.  There will be a dedication of the sign, and benches at the entrance in memory of Bill Winslow at 5:30 this afternoon.

Later, Lynn

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