Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Old Photos

Been digitizing a lot of paper photos.  Here are some of them.  Click on photo to enlarge.
Phyllis' mom on the right with her brothers & sister-in the 1980's

Next photos below were taken at our place west of Clarinda at Christmas gathering in 1982 of the employees of Coin Grain Corp.

Main Street at my home town of Callaway, Nebraska

Our son, Cameron and his, then, girlfriend Patty

Thaine was the manager at Clarinda Elevator

One of Phyllis' cousins

Dick Summers sat near me when I worked in office in
Omaha for Union Pacific.

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Phyllis' aunt and uncle

I worked in the office at Hygrade in Clarinda for several years.

Taken either before we were married
or shortly after.

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No special order or place.  Some from when we lived in Omaha, Nebraska, Salt Lake City, Utah, Overland Park, KS, East River-Clarinda, IA and at our farm place west of Clarinda, IA. Where I worked for Clarinda Elevator, Union Pacific in Salt Lake and Kansas City, KS, Coin Grain Corp in Coin, IA.  Some old memories for me, though maybe doesn't mean much to anyone else.


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