Friday, July 6, 2018

Fourth of July week

Well, the 4th is over and the idiots around town here who have been shooting off fireworks for the last week or so have finally slowed down.  Guess they have money to burn -- see absolutely no pleasure in firing off fireworks, or having anyone else do it.

Tuesday evening we went to visitation of Rodney Graham.   When we first moved
to Clarinda in 1970 I worked with his wife in the office at Hygrade Foods.
We went to New Market, IA several times.  Saturday I already described our visit to the Museum there.
Wednesday, the 4th of July, we went to the parade at New Market.  There
were over 110 units in the parade.  Was quite warm, but we found a spot
for our lawn chairs in the shade.

This is Lyn Sliger, with Cork driving the semi.

Phyllis with her cousin Judy and daughter-in-law
and granddaughter.

Several places to get lunch.

We got a couple breaded tenderloins here.

Quite a meal to eat while waiting about a half-hour for parade to start

Phyllis got to visit with two ladies from our church - beyond
them is a couple from our square dance club.

Color Guard from Clarinda led the parade

This  colorful float had flags of many nations and states

Driver and passenger are our country neighbors
Lori and Jeff Christensen who bought our sign business.
In the back are Dave & Daphney - evening entertainers

Another country neighbor Ronnie "Punkin Head" Sump

Lot of kids collected a lot of candy throughout the parade.

This lady, across the street, sat in the
sun for couple hours.  She was much
redder when parade ended.

Several huge trucks with Hay Grinders on them.

Friend Ronnie Foster and  his granddaughter

The Two County Dusters (Riders from Page and Fremont Counties) put on a performance of patterned riding.

Huge flag was raised on this Utility Truck

A portable stage was pulled in for evening performance.

Some of the many people in attendance

Dave & Daphney, from Nashville performed and had local Jim McAlpin
performed three songs with them on his saxophone.   Jim & I sang in the second tenor
section together in the Plainsmen men's chorus for some 17 years in the 1980's and 1990's.
CLICK HERE for video of Jim with Dave & Daphney

part of setting sun to west from New Market.

Storm was building to northwest - heard Omaha had storm that night.
Flag being lowered - people waiting to fold the flag.

This areal photo from a drone was taken off Facebook.  Some 60
people volunteered to fold the flag when it was lowered from the utility truck.

Nearly a half-hour of continuous

Yes, I know there is a post in the center.
Didn't see any new colors or patterns

End of the fireworks - then the half-hour in traffic getting home.
Press HERE for flag folding ceremony of HUGE flag   This was flag that was displayed along Highway 2 during the day and then brought in and flown on this truck during the evening program. 

Click on Origin of Star Spangled Banner     Hope this video works for you.  The audio of this was played at New Market, Iowa on July 4th just before the fireworks.

Pictures to left and right are the flower ring to the west of our house.  Phyllis planted Holly Hocks several years ago, but hasn't had any come up -- this year one did!  Cone Flowers fill the rest of the ring.  The bright colors, of course, don't come through very well in these photos.

Have to put this picture from Facebook here. 
Our Great-granddaughter was 2 on June 23rd.
Started Tuesday doing the annual Thompson's water sealing
to the wooden deck.  A little expensive, but this 24-year old deck
remains in pretty good shape.

Last part, this morning, was moving these benches and doing
them as well as floor beneath them.

All done and everything back in place.

You might say what the hell is this -- to the left.  It is one of several pieces of iron put up around town.  They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I think this looks like some painted iron; but told it is art.  It is about a block east of our house in the corner of the Clarinda Regional Health Center.  There is one near the welcome sign west of Clarinda, one on the campus of Iowa Western College - Clarinda Campus, and one at the airport.  

Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she laid an asteroid. —Mark Twain
Man: Is this seat empty? 
Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.

I couldn’t believe that the highway department called my dad a thief. But when I got home, all the signs were there.
Two men meet on opposite sides of a river. One shouts to the other, “I need you to help me get to the other side!” The other guy replies, “You are on the other side!”
Bumper sticker of the week
If this RV’s a rockin’ … call the cops. Someone stole it!

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