Thursday, June 28, 2018

Things going on

91º at 4:00 pm on Thursday with "feel like" of 97º and 72% humidity.  Predicted storms today, but so far nothing.
After talking with our Minnesota friends who are acquainted with man who lives year-around in the park, she had him go to our place, locate keys to the Texas Room and look it over.  He reported no standing water, and no smell of dampness, so we are relieved.  Had considered driving down to La Fereia, Texas look at things.  Now we won't.
May have been a bit of dampness
in Texas Room, but none remaining.

You can see dampness where rubber mat had lain.

Bit of a line on shop door inside Texas Room

Steps by our front door.  Water-line an inch or so.

Can see dampness where rubber mat had laid by the
front door of the Texas Room.

I told you some time ago this grass by the
electric/phone boxes would grow to four feet high!

Took electric out so could look inside - saw that water line
from "city" was inside and had been leaking when at Wahoo
so took of side panel (this is by the bed) to get to lines.

This is inside - found screw fitting was loose just inside wall.

Starting to put panel back after fixing hose leak.

Had electric outlets fail while we were at Wahoo -- discovered
all went through this GFI.  

The 20 amp cord I brought in the window &
used extension cords for 120 V in the trailer
during the 6 days we were in Wahoo, NE.

New GFI in place -- and all the other outlets on down
the line work, too!

Visited with niece Julie Miles in Lincoln
last Sunday evening and ate supper with her. 

Had a rabbit spend 10 minutes or so with us as we
ate yesterday noon on the patio.

Wasn't scared at all.

This morning I finally took down an LED lamp from under
the kitchen cabinets that quit last year.

The new light is fluorescent and puts out more lite than the LED

“My psychiatrist told me I was crazy. I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you’re ugly too.” —Rodney Dangerfield
“If you don’t want your dog to have bad breath, do what I do: Pour a little Lavoris in the toilet.” —Jay Leno

More later, Lynn

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