Tuesday, July 25, 2017

More of my "rememberings"

“life is what happens to us when we are busy making other plans”  That saying is attributed to John Lennon

Here is a little more of my musings on "The Way I Remember It" :

These photos are of Lower Lodi school - District 73 in Custer County, NE where I went from Kindergarten to 8th grade.  Note the horse barn in the lower left corner with the boys toilet beside it and the girls toilet in center right of the photo.  In the close-up, taken in 1953, you note there is a basement.  The cement to the right is the tornado shelter which was accessible from the outside, or a door into the basement.  In that corner of the basement Miss Adelot and Miss Gillis (I think these names are right) lived in the early 50's.  Nancy Gillis taught in the grade school and Margaret Adelot taught the 9th & 10th graders.  A heavy-set lady, whose name doesn't come to me right now, had a old Model A Coupe.  Joan Thurman was a teacher - Joan Patterson (who later married Joan Thurman's brother Duane later) had a 1950 Ford car and we got to sit in it and listen to the final game of a World Series. As I write this now (Sunday July 23, 2017) we just returned from church.  Of course, my mind wonders during church and I recalled the going to church as a wee lad.  With 7 kids it seems like Mom was always bustling about and we never got to church on time.  At that time the Methodist Church in Callaway was a wooden building with lots of cement steps up to the main door.  They always began the service with the song "Holy, Holy, Holy" and I don't think I ever heard the first verse until sometime after I was married and we attended church on our own.  That church had the main floor on an incline down to the alter rail.  Reddish carpet, at least on the two aisles with the floor of the pulpit area raised.  As a youngster it seemed like I either sang in the choir or maybe it was with Bible School programs.  Younger brother Darrell had a vomiting experience one day in the choir area.  Mrs. Ruby Axtel was the organist for years and years.  The basement of that church was like the basement of our house -- "shoulders" came in about 4 feet from the cement walls supporting the church; it seems like the plastered walls down there were painted a green.  There were several ministers over the years, but I mainly remember Mr. Coates.  He was an older gentleman and both he and his wife had snow white hair.  Seems like I went to some MYF meetings and one time after doing whatever we did it was lunch time.  I and cousin Jerry Nichelson grabbed the sandwiches or whatever was there and started chomping away.  Mr. Coates very quietly said "Let us say grace" and we were red faced.  There were a lot of gatherings in that basement - pot luck lunches, etc.  Sometime in the mid-50's there were some gospel weeks and I recall one night brother Don went forward to the Alter.  I have never been very vocal or visible in faith and I couldn't believe he was doing that, at the time.  I was probably 10 or 12 years old at the time.  When it came time for me to go to the catechism class in preparation for joining the church it seems like I either didn't finish the course or the paperwork or something.  On the Sunday they called for the class to come forward I went up anyway and was received into the church--I don't recall being questioned about my lack of finishing things.   Dad went to the Methodist Men's meetings during his later years.  Sometime during my Senior year in High School I started going down the church to the EUB (Evangelical United Brethren) Church because the girl I was dating during my Senior year went there.  I sang in their choir and even went to Sunday School there -- something I haven't done now for years.  Later, in 1968, the Methodist Church and the EUB combined and since the EUB church had a relatively new building all services was moved to there.  The old wooden Methodist church is long gone now and a residential house stands there.  Would like to get a photo of the old church, but can't come up with one right now.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Went to Council Bluffs today - took Roberta Rarick to a dentist specialist to have two teeth pulled.  While she was at the Dentist's we went to Aldi's and did some grocery shopping.  On returning found that Roberta was unable to get the teeth pulled as she was on a medication that has to be withdrawn 3 months before she can have the teeth pulled.  Had a good day visiting with her and eating at the Pizza Ranch at noon in Council Bluffs.
Temperature reached 96º today - possibility of rain tonight and cooler next couple days.

- We’ve begun to long for the pitter-patter of little feet, so we bought a dog.  It’s cheaper, and you get more feet.
- “Did you hear about the nun who procrastinated doing her laundry? She had a filthy habit.”
- "So I got home, and the phone was ringing. I picked it up, and said 'Who's speaking please?'
And a voice said 'You are.'"
- What's the difference between a man and a bottle of whisky?  Whisky improves with age.
- Why does a man have a clear conscience?Because it is unused.
- What do you call a man who has suddenly lost 98 percent of his brain?  Divorced.
- What do UFOs and caring men have in common?  You keep hearing about them but you never see any for yourself.

Later, Lynn

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