Wednesday, July 5, 2017

4th is past

88º here in Clarinda, IA - bright and sunshiny.
Have had enormous clouds many days. 

Phyllis' flowers on west side of house
No, Phyllis didn't hit me -- eye-doctor says it is a broken blood vessel in the eye.


This guy was driving close to the side -- found out why --
he was activating a little pump which "peed" out on people as he drove by.

Spent the Fourth in New Market.  In the morning they had dirt bike and motorcycle drag races.

Then later the parade -- which was almost an hour and a half -- and then the tractor/pickup sled pulls.
There were a lot of activities going on -- this one had one kid on a set of wheels you use under a car, being pushed by another kid and they captured balls with a tote box and slid them to their teammate who put them in another tote at the end of the floor.  They were having a lot of fun. 

New Market actually started on Saturday with an all-school alumni gathering, had lots of activities then on the following days they had a pie contest and then sold the pies for over $3,000 to help with the cost of putting on the 4th celebration.  They had collected something around $30,000 and all events were free to the public.

We didn't stay for the fire works (they had annunced during the tractor/truck pull that they were shooting off nearly $16,000 worth of fireworks in 22-23 minutes)  It is purported to be one of the largest firework displays in this area.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?Needle.Needle who?Needle little money for the movies.

Remember - don't wait, do it now.
Later, Lynn

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