Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Driving 500 miles to help Butch Giesking celebrate his 90th Birthday

At 11:15 am it is 87º here in Clarinda, IA with predicted high of 95º and a "feel like" of 105° later in the day.

On Sunday we drove the 200+ miles from Clarinda to Titonka, IA to attend Butch Giesking's 90th Birthday Celebration.  He had turned 90 on June 30th, but this was the day for everyone to get together at the school building in Titonka.   I took several photos, including photos of the photos the kids had on display, and have made all into an album you can view CLICK HERE  If you want to download any photo to your computer, click to make it an individual photo then right click on it to get a sub menu and do what you want.

Part of supper Saturday night for Jim & Lavin Boozer and Harold and LaRhoda Neher.
The Boozer's came from Illinois and Neher's from Kansas and stayed overnight.

After supper we had a couple games of Pegs & Jokers.
LaRhoda, Harold and Lavin.

Phyllis & Jim

Sunday morning we headed out before 8 am.

Just arrived in Titonka about 2:15 pm.  The Winters, from northwest Minnesota,
and the Raab's from Minneapolis area of Minnesota had also just arrived.
 Here are a few of the photos I took at the gathering - think there was talk of over 90 people attending, though that may be my imagination.

 Afterwards we spent some time at Butch's house for a good visit.  Most of us will be together again in August in State Center, Iowa for the Kenwood RV Summer Rally of mid-westerners who live in the Texas park during the winter.

The Miles, Winters, Raabs, Boozers and Nehers all went to the Motel in Algona and had time to play some Pegs & Jokers and visit.  Some of us were together on Monday morning at the Motel Breakfast and then the Boozers are heading on west for a visit to Yellowstone and other places in the west.  The rest of us returned to our homes.

Worked a bit on the plumbing fitting in the travel trailer this morning, have some other work to do on it before we do our next trip in early August.  Will also be working some more on restoring programs to my laptop since getting it back with new hard drive.

Q. How do you make holy water?
A. Boil the hell out of it.
A man suffered a heart attack and had by-pass surgery. He awakened to find himself in the care of nuns at a Catholic hospital. As he was recovering, a nun asked him how he was going to pay the bill.  He replied in a raspy voice, "No health insurance."  The nun asked if he has money in the bank.  He replied "No money in the bank."  The nun asked " Do you have a relative who could help you?"  He said "Just a spinster sister who is a nun."  The nun, slightly perturbed, said "Nuns are not spinsters! Nuns are married to God."  The patient replied, "Then send the bill to my brother-in-law."

I totally take back every time I may have balked at taking a nap when I was a little kid! 

Later, Lynn

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