Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Nice day in Iowa

62º here in Clarinda, IA at 9:00 am as I start this, predicted high of 71º- chance of rain through the day.

Yesterday was bright and sunny most of the day.  We left our house about 7:40 am and arrived at Harold & LaRhoda Neher's place near Hiawatha, Kansas just before 10 am.  We took the "country" route and were in Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska and then Kansas - drove the "back roads" saw a lot of farm ground ready for planting, but no activity.

We drove by quite a few fields that were covered with a purple-flowered low-growing weed.
This is just northeast of Hiawatha, KS - sprayer was out just getting ready to start on this field.  Harold told me it was called  Henbit. Sientific name is (Lamium amplexicaule) here is Website that describes it. Grows in early spring and then shows up the next spring.

 We visited with the Neher's until 11:30 and then drove in to Hiawatha for a delicious lunch at Gus's Restaurant.  Then back at the house we must have played 6 or 7 games of Pegs & Jokers.

Was a really bright, sunshiny day when we left about 4 pm.

We stopped in St. Jo, Mo for some grocery shopping and were home in Clarinda by just before 7 pm.

On the way back home we saw a lot of corn planters in the field, in Kansas, Missouri and Iowa.  This is just to the east of Neher's where we followed a dirt/rock road to get on US 36.

This is the Missouri River bridge at Rulo, Nebraska
Phyllis is going to help at the church today with the Food Pantry and we intend to drive to Shenandoah, IA later to pick up our Income Tax papers for 2016.  Plan to go to Choir practice at 6 and then Clarinda Circle 8 Square Dance at 7 tonight.
Later, Lynn

1 comment:

  1. We had seen a lot of that purple weed when we were coming home. Wondered what it was. Now you have answered our question! We are a long way from planting corn here in northern MN. Some potatoes have been planted. Could use a good shower of rain and lawns would green up. Happy Easter!


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