Friday, July 28, 2023

Visit to Kansas

 91º with a "feel like" of 111º right now at 2:00 pm in Clarinda, IA on Friday afternoon.

Met our dear friends, Harold & LaRhoda Neher, in Highland, KS yesterday for lunch then went to their home near Hiawatha, KS for afternoon of visiting and, of course, some Pegs & Jokers.

Of course, the Neher's were our next-door neighbors for many years in Texas before they had to quit coming south in the winter.

I picked a small sack of apples from one of their trees.

Though LaRhoda was "giving up gardening" this year, her daughter set up a small cattle trough beside their garage and she has a few things in it.  Close to the house and no stooping!

We got in four games and the guys won just one more than the women!

Took the posed photo that led off this blog and will print it to show all our Kenwood friends at the Summer Rally next week in State Center, IA.

Today Phyllis has been working up the apples gotten from Kansas as well as peaches we bought in Gravity, Iowa on Tuesday.

When we were on our last trip with the travel trailer, leaving Columbia, MO , I discovered a leak on the outer side of the valve for the grey water tank.  I put some "super tape" on it, but found when emptying tank at Marengo, IA it still had a bit of a leak.  Have added a bit more today.  Maybe this "Miles Cobble" will do the job.

We were gone from the trailer one day during the week at the Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival and when we returned around 11 pm that night a couple neighbors informed us they had shut off our propane as could smell it.  Used an electric gizmo for what little cooking we did the rest of that trip.  When got home I bought a "propane detector" and determined it was around the short hoses leading from the tanks to the regulator.  Got a new set and put them on this morning -- before it got quite so hot!

More later, LC

PS: It is now 5:15 pm - just looked at weather here - reported 91º with a "feel like" of 121º

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