Monday, July 31, 2023

Some timely rains in SW Iowa

 74º with "feel like" of 74º in Clarinda, IA at 1:00 pm Monday.

Last couple days we had showers and got about .10" rain each day.  Last night it stormed through the night and we ended up with about 1.85" this morning.  Sun is just coming out here at 1 pm.

Well, after a break for lunch and doing some trimming around the sidewalks it is now 82º with the sun beating down.

Discovered that the grass was really overgrown along the cement and bricks by the driveway.  Got it wipped back some.

Phyllis fixed some Alaskan Wild-Caught Salmon that we had gotten at Sam's Club for lunch to go along with the corn on the cob and some cucumbers-with-onions and fresh tomatoes.  Goooood!

Spent quite a bit of time yesterday scanning photos from a picture-book I started in 1959.  I had forgotten all about it, but when lamenting that I wish I had some of my old pictures, Phyllis brought up the fact that she had several of my old photo books in the safe downstairs.  Brought back a lot of memories -- I was just a junior in high school at the time.  When complete copying them and getting them organized into some sort of albums will post some of them.

Sang the song "Far Side Bank of Jordan" at church yesterday.  Patty Steckelberg, from Shenandoah, had come over to witness the event.  After church we went to the local Mexican place for lunch.  She was kind enough to bring some green beans, tomatoes & zucchini (and maybe some other vegetables).
Was a bit hot yesterday afternoon when I mowed the lawn, so donned the big straw hat that had gotten in Progresso, Mexico many years ago on one of the Appreciation Days there.  It did keep the sun off me.

Today was sister-in-law Vicki's birthday and visited briefly with her on the phone.  She and Don are doing "okay" and said that friends had brought in a birthday cake for her.   Also telephoned brother Roger to see if they had any damage from the high winds reported in Nebraska over the weekend.  Had seen on Facebook from a friend in Callaway, NE that huge, old trees in Morgan Park in Callaway were completely uprooted.  Reports of winds 80 to 100 miles per hour in some of Nebraska.  He said they did not have any damage at their place in Lincoln.

Will be getting the trailer ready to pull out this Friday, heading to State Center, Iowa.

Well, that does it for this post.  LC

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