Wednesday, July 19, 2023

July 19, 2023

 Bright sunshine and 84º with a "feels like" of 90º here in Clarinda, IA at 3:15 pm on Wednesday.  That beats the 100º with a "feels like" of 116º at our home in La Feria, Texas right now!

Had crew out today to re-align our rain gutters and add a covering similar to Gutter Dome.  The very long runs had been a screw-up ever since we bought this place.  The really long run across front of house and the really long run across back of the house have been changed to high point in the middle and drain to both ends.  That, plus the coverings should eliminate much gutter problems.

Anyone who wants to start a Cottonwood Forest are welcome to come harvest some of the million cottonwood seeds that are blowing around our yard!

Will be getting ready to pull the trailer east this Friday.  We returned to our trailer from Branson to the Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival last week one day and were informed that neighbors had shut off our propane account the smell of it around our trailer.  We used an electric hotplate for our cooking (one which we have carried in the trailer for some time, but not used) and when home secured a tester for the smell of propane.  Have been unable to detect anything, but will test it before we leave and when we get to Marengo.  Also, discovered a leak just past our drain valve for the grey water tank and am going to try to get it fixed before heading east.  At least if it leaks when draining the tanks is not as serious if it was the black tank.

Is overcast now at 4:30 pm Wednesday with temperature at 83º with "feels like" of 89º/  Yes, I got sidetracked and just got back to the computer.


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