Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Arrived at Lewis Family Homeplace near Lincolnton, Georgia

 63º and very still at 7:30 pm on Tuesday near Lincolnton, GA.  Winds of over 40 mph this afternoon.  We arrived at the camping area for the Little Roy & Lizzy Music Festival.

Labyrinth of hoses & electric cords.  Lots of units here now and many more to come.  Show actually starts Thursday and runs through Saturday night.
Will get a chance to set our chairs in the big tent (which seats 2 or 3 hundred) tomorrow after drawing numbers in the morning and then setting chairs according to numbers we get at 2 in the afternoon. 

We are hoping to go to The Harlem Museum and Welcome Center, Home of the Laurel & Hardy Museum in Harlem, Georgia, which is about 45 miles from here sometime this week.  Oliver Hardy was born in this town in 1892.  Stan Laurel was born in Great Britain.

We are within walking distance of the big tent where all the entertainers will be.

Had a real chatty couple with us at a Chicken place in Murfreesboro, GA yesterday noon as we were driving the 440 miles from Cape Girardeau, MO to Adairsville, GA where we stayed all night.  This couple lived local there, and had travelled with a Class A RV a lot and attended a lot of Bluegrass Festivals.

After taking Don & Vicki to church Sunday morning, we ate with them at the main dining room at the Chateau. 

Played another game of Dominoes with them in the late afternoon, and said good by to them until probably sometime in July when we hope to get back to Cape Girardeau.

This is what Don & Vicki can see out their apartment window.

This is the window to their apartment.  They are on the south side of the building.

This view is of their wing, on the north side.

Played several games of Dominoes with them while we were with them Friday, Saturday & Sunday.  Don gets along pretty good, with some prodding and reminders of it being his turn, etc.

Will sign off for now.


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