Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Sunshine in Clarinda, IA

 81º with bright sunshine here in Clarinda, IA at 3:45 pm Tuesday.

Bushy plant that we put in the ground last summer isn't growing very fast.  One on other side of the rose bush is much taller.
We had neighbor mow the lawn while we were gone, but the short hedge in front of the house really grew while we were gone!  Below is before, at right is after.


Peonies by the deck really grew while we were gone.  Many have bloomed and many are ready to bloom.

If left to their own devises, the maple seeds would have a complete forest growing.  Spent time cleaning the roof valleys and gutters.  

Have new roof lined up to be put on next week.  Includes removing all old shingles and replacing with new.  The roof is going to cost about the same as we paid for our first home near Omaha, NE in 1965!  Shocking.

Pulled all the maple seeds out onto the lawn and then shredded and scattered them.  Those that grow will get cut down regularly.

Sunday we sang with the Methodist and Presbyterian combined choirs at both churches.
At left is at the Methodist Church during the 9:00 am Service and below is at the Westminister Presbyterian church during the 10:30 am Service.

Dug Dandelions and trimmed some vines out of the hedge along north side of our property this morning.  This little flower showed up.

Will post again sometime, LC

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