Friday, May 12, 2023

Thursday at Malpass Brothers Bluegrass Festival

 71º with bright sunshine here in DentonFarmpark, NC with predicted high of 81º today.

Earlier this week we drove the 5 miles or so to Denton, NC and looked around the town and then found a small family restaurant for lunch.  We then drove some 40 miles north, northwest to Lexington, NC.  Looked in some downtown stores then found an Ollie's (Good Stuff Cheap) store.  They have all sorts of close out, bankrupt, etc., stuff.  Have looked in their store in Ohio several years ago, I think.

Ran across this photo on Facebook the other day.  Recall Dad saying, not too long before he passed in 1978, that Alice was his favorite TV show at the time.

Had many hours of mighty fine music yesterday from 12:00 Noon through 10:00 pm last evening

Ended the evening with a terrific show by the Malpass Brothers and their band.

To be whole different set of entertainers today, except for the Host Band -- The Malpass Brothers.

Later, Lynn

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