Saturday, April 29, 2023

In Cape Girardeau, MO

 66 degrees with overcast in Cape Girardeau, MO at 12:00 Noon on Saturday.

Drove the 460 miles from Clarinda on Thursday, arriving at this campground about 5:30 pm.  Had terrible amount of traffic around St. Louis with stop & go traffic for nearly an hour.  When through that drove in heavy rain which continued until I completed setup of the trailer.

    Visited a bit with brother Don & sister-in-law Vicki for a bit that evening.  Yesterday we took them out so Vicki could pick up new glasses and then went to couple stores to shop.  She was tired out from that so took them back to their apartment to rest for an hour or so and then we picked them up and went out to eat.  Will go back up to their place about 1:30 pm today and spend afternoon, probably playing dominoes or such, and then take them out to eat again.  Vicki is moving very slowly and tires easily.  She uses wheel chair around the apartment and walker when she goes out.


This photo is from Facebook when Don & Vicki went on an outing with group from the Chateau to visit a Garden.

Will try to get some current photos for next post.


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