Monday, April 3, 2023

Home in Clarinda, IA for a while

 60º with heavy overcast here in Clarinda, IA at 5:00 pm on Monday.

We finished our drive from La Feria, TX to Clarinda, IA about 11 am Sunday.  Had several days of driving in very high winds.  Not the best when you are towing a box behind your pickup.  Sunday had strong south winds and when we were driving the 40 miles between Hiawatha, KS and St. Joe, MO average MPG was 8.2 -- turned north at St. Joe and between there and Clarinda, even with several miles going west at times, averaged 12.2.  Quite a percentage different.  Was on the road 4 days and stayed in Passport America Parks 2 nights at the $20 and two nights in driveways of friends.  Not bad for motel costs!  More than makes up for the gas used.

Had a great supper with them, of their own raised beef!  And then spent the evening letting the women beat the men in most of the Pegs & Jokers games.

Before supper, I rode with Bill the short mile to his cattle yard where he topped off water for the cattle and fed the young bull he recently got.

Kathy has never turned away a cat, and many have multiplied on their farm---they have never had mouse problems!

While at our RV Park near Perkins, OK, we watched local news program on TV.  They never had a break for advertisments.........there were ads continually running on the side as they continued with the news, weather, and sports.  I'm sure it added much time to their actual content of broadcast.

We got to Harold & LaRhoda Neher's about 12:30 Saturday.  Ate lunch at the local Pizza Hut.  Then visited and played Pegs & Jokers.  LaRhoda had a salad & sandwich supper and we played some more Pegs & Jokers.  To keep the women happy, Harold & I let them win most of the games.  Sunday morning had an excellent egg casserole breakfast and we were on our final leg home from Texas.

Dumped all the tanks of the trailer down at the city's dumpsite near the airport and backed the trailer into the drive.  Took a bit of time to unload much of the pickup, including the 40 lbs. of 1015 Onions.  I had individually wrapped each onion to protect them while in the pickup and to extend the time before they need used.  Hung them up in the garage.

Then, We went up to the Presbyterian church and I sang with Linda's group -- Cantata.  I was sight reading, where the group had practiced for a month, but although there were 6 or 7 basses. there were only two tenors and Linda appreciated the help.

 I got along well, as Bob Keefer is a very strong tenor and I followed him well.

Afterwards we went with all the chorus and spouses to Linda & Ron's new house for cookies & punch.  Got a tour of their nice new home.

The gathering were all around the TV, watching the Iowa University Ladies Basketball team playing in the finals.


Today I cleaned the winter's collection of leaves off the deck and rolled the Softub out of the shop and got it filled with water, and the pump started.  It is heated only by the ambient heat from the circulating pump.  Was up to about 60º a bit ago, will be at 100º by sometime tomorrow.

More later, LCM

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