Friday, April 21, 2023

Some cold weather in southern Iowa

 41º here in Clarinda at 9:45 am, with predicted high for the day of 51º.

As you can see, couple early mornings of below
freezing, especially Sunday morning.  Hope the
drained travel trailer doesn't have any damage.

Got new cards this winter.

Mowed the lawn couple days ago before we got 1.5" of rain.  Now with the rain it is looking good.  Of course, that means more mowing.  Have made arrangements for neighbor to mow, if needed, while we are going the next few weeks.
Since we moved here in June of 2010, I have twice-a-year cleaned the gutters of the shop building.  Is rather tall and as I am getting older it seems even taller.  Couple years ago I removed the gutter from the west side of the shop where it is under the Ash tree and was always getting a lot of stuff in the gutters.  That seemed to work well, so couple days ago I removed the one on the east side.  No more climbing up that ladder!

These are the few Peonies
we left on the east side
of the front yard.

Later, LC

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