Friday, April 14, 2023

Windy weather in Iowa

 80º with bright sunshine, wind out of SSE at 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph at 3:00 pm Friday afternoon.

Peonies still below the surface in this photo from April 2, 2023.

Peonies out of ground on April 11th in photo at right.

Photo at left April 12th.

And they are really growing now.  Real excitement, watching plants grow, heh?
The other day, when I had filled the Softub and plugged it in, it quit.  Discovered the GFCI was burned out -- ordered a new one, which got today and wired it in, cleaned the tub (after emptying it the other day wind had blown in a lot of debris) and refilled it and it is running now.  Should be warm enough to use tomorrow.

Yesterday we drove to Lincoln to spend some time with oldest brother Roger and his wife Carolyn.
Had an excellent meal and visit with them.

They had installed a stair lift this winter and it is making it a lot safer for them to go to the basement.  With age, things are slowing down a bit for them.

Will make another post if/when we do anything interesting (like watching Peonies grow)


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